Dragon Balls
Dragon Balls:Location Earth 1 Wish
Namekian Dragon Balls:Location Namek 3 wishes
Dark Star Dragon Balls:Location Dark Planet 2 Wishes

Here's what you can wish for so wish wisely

1:Pl Boost Up To 10,000
2:Ki Boost Up To 2,000
3:Hp Boost Up To 600
4:Money Boost Up To $10,000
5:Immortalaty(Oh we need this) you will have god Mode Until Some One Else Wishes For it Then You
Go Back To Normal HAHAHA when you are immortal Ki Hp And Pl Don't Apply Kewl Isn't It (Note:Up
to 2 People Can Be Immortal At a Time And the person that wishes for immortalaty can pick the person that loses it Also Cool)
6: that's all the wishes
yep that's all the wish's and DB out of the way...


Earth:Doesn't affect training Time That it take's to get to other planet's Namek:1 Real Day Vegeta:3 real day's  Arreln:4 Real Day's  Planet Frieza:6 real day's The Dark Planet:10 real day's, Ruler:--

Namek:Doesn't affect Training Time that it take's to get to other planet's Earth:1 Real Day Vegeta:2 real day's  Arreln:3 Real Day's  Planet Frieza:5 real day's The Dark Planet:9 real day's, Ruler:--

Vegeta:Affect's Training Double Hp,Ki,Pl after going up a level (note exm:you normally get 50 hp every time you go up a level on earth well on vegeta you get 100(cool) hee hee)Time that it take's to get to other planet's Earth:3 Real Day Namek:2 real day's  Arreln:2 Real Day's  Planet Frieza:4 real day's The Dark Planet:8 real day's, Ruler:--

Frieza:Affect's Training Double Hp,Ki,Pl after going up a level (note exm:you normally get 50 hp every time you go up a level on earth well on vegeta you get 100(cool) hee hee)Time that it take's to get to other planet's Earth:6 Real Day Namek:5 real day's  Arreln:1 Real Day's  Planet Vegeta:3 real day's The Dark Planet:7 real day's, Ruler:--

Arreln:Doesn't Affect Training Time That it take's to get to other planet's Namek:3 Real Day Vegeta:2 real day's  Earth:4 Real Day's  Planet Frieza:1 real day's The Dark Planet:6 real day's, Ruler:--

The Dark Planet:Affect's Training Triple's(exm:on earth every level you go up pluses 50 to hp on TDP it triple's it making you get 150 wow that's cool)Time That it take's to get to other planet's Namek:9 Real Day Vegeta:6 real day's  Earth:10 Real Day's  Planet Frieza:5 real day's Arreln:7 real day's, Ruler:--

Note you can rule a planet just tell me you wanna own that planet and it's all your's note you can't tell ppl to #@#@$ off  but people can challage you to fight and if they bet you then they can if they wanna take over that planet so yea that's cool All Planet's Are Open

when you die everything is the same except you can't fight ppl and your training double's (exp you get 100 hp for every level you go up instead of 50 and 120 Ki and 1,000 to pl,ETC you get the idea)so go to the message board and begin to train Note:still only one story per day remeber no fight people